Mount Artos

Artos Mountain is a mountain located in the Gevaş district of Van and has an altitude of 3,550 meters. It is a popular route for hiking and climbing. Here is some information about hiking to Artos Mountain:

Walking route:
– Starting point: usually starts from Şalıgöl.
– Distance: Approx. 11.18 km.
– Altitude gain: 1,735 meters.
– Difficulty level: Medium-hard. Good physical condition required.
– Views: Offers magnificent views of Lake Van and the surrounding mountains¹.

Preparation and Equipment:
– Clothing: It is important to dress in layers. Weather conditions can change quickly.
– Footwear: Sturdy footwear suitable for walking in the mountains.
– Equipment: Water, food, sunscreen, hat and first aid kit.

Best moment:
– Spring and summer months: weather conditions are more favourable and roads are more accessible.

Climbing Mount Artos can be a challenging experience, both physically and mentally, but the views you'll encounter once you reach the top make the effort well worth it.

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